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 Tujuh Saluran Jalan Permukiman di Kelurahan Tugu Selatan Dikuras
photo Budhi Firmansyah Surapati -

Seven Drains in Tugu Selatan Being Dredged

Drains alongside seven neighborhood roads in Tugu Selatan area, Koja, North Jakarta, dredged. It is targeted to complete in two weeks ahead.

Some of them have been completed and only a few are left, including on Jalan Bendungan Melayu Selatan

Tugu Selatan Urban Village Head Sukarmin stated, it was carried out to anticipate inundation in the rainy season.

"The drains are full of mud, including the closed decker," he said, Thursday (12/31).

Channel Dredging Work on Jl. Galur Sari VIII Touches 95 Percent

He explained, they were located on Jalan Romadhon, Balai Rakyat Terusan, Puskesmas, Balai Rakyat, H Tiung, H Nawar, and Jalan Bendungan Melayu Selatan. The total length of the channels on seven roads reached more than 500 meters.

"Some of them have been completed and only a few are left, including on Jalan Bendungan Melayu Selatan," he stated.

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